v.1. Barker, F. The first explorers
v.2. Ross Macdonald, M. Beyond the horizon
v.3. Castlereagh, D. The great age of exploration
v.4. Hordern, N. God, gold and glory
v.5. Napier, W. Lands of spice & treasure
v.6. Dresner, S. Rivers of destiny
v.7. Gilbert, J. Charting the vast Pacific
v.8. Hillman, P. Bridging a continent
v.9. Willis, M. Jungle rivers & mountain peaks
v.10. Holland, J. Lands of the southern cross
v.11. Hamilton, P. Seas of sand
v.12. Huxley, E. The Challenge of Africa
v.13. Ettinger, N. The heartland of Asia
v.14. Willis, T. The frozen world
v.15. Proujan, C. Secrets of the sea
v.16. Hindley, G. The roof of the world
v.17. Appel, F. The moon and beyond