"I don't think these companies have much respect for teachers" : looking at teacher's manuals / Patricia Crawford and Patrick Shannon
Exercise isn't always healthy / Carole Edelsky
Look! look! who stole the pictures from the picture book? / Kenneth Goodman, Lisa Maras, and Debbie Birdseye
Rhyming without reason : poetry in basals / Debbie Birdseye
Step one, step two, step three, four, five : my this writing seems contrived! : writing process in basal reading programs / Lisa Burley Maras
Patterns of culture or distorted images : multiculturalism in basals / Elaine Schwartz
Neither gone nor forgotten : testing in the new basal reading programs / Sharon Murphy
Celebremos la literatura : is it possible with a Spanish reading program? / Yvonne Freeman
The destination or the first step on a journey : Canadian basals / Sharon Murphy
Hearts and minds and literacy : lessons from ourselves / Mem Fox
Response to basals / Bobbi Fisher ... [et al.]
Supervising change : moving away from basals / Timothy J. Shannon
The social life of basals / Patrick Shannon.